
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Anti-Israeli President Given Holocaust Humanitarian Award by Hollywood

Anti-Israeli President Given Holocaust Humanitarian Award by Hollywood


Movie mogel Spielberg and others, many of them Jewish themselves,  last night presented the most anti-semetic President since WW II   humanitarian award of the year in Hollywood last night.  Spielberg, who directed the holocaust movie Schindler's list , Jeff Katzenberg, David Geffen and and other Hollywood mogels - many of whom are Jews - have taken the Holocaust to curry favor  with the President as if he were Oscar Schindler  himself. IAmerican jews should be outraged by this. 

Meanwhile, Obama has done nothing about the Nazis, again on the warpath in the Ukraine nor has he done nothing about the slaughter of Christian girls  in Nigeria other than a small non-military team sent out recently 'to talk.'  Hollywood has taken the holocaust to serve their own needs, whatever they be -Money from Obama?  Spielberg's own father was a bombardier in WW II and yet he used the holocaust and Obama for their own purposes whatever they may be.

Others in the audience included Barbara Streisand, Bruce Springstien, Samuel Jackson. In his speech, Obama pushed his usual agenda of gun control, climate change, etc.    Pelosi, Reid and other Democrats were there in an apparent fund raising effort, using the graves of the 6 million Jews killed by Nazis to their political benefit, in our opinion.

If you agree that this is ATROCIOUS  please spread the  word  

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Demand The Truth About Benghazi from Media!

Demand The Truth About Benghazi from Media!

We have a smoking gun in the Benghazi cover up scandal: emails tying the White House to Susan Rice's false talking points about the terrorist attack. Finally, there’s proof that this administration lied about the terrorist attack in order to protect the President during his reelection campaign.

This is earth-shattering news. But guess what? The media are for the most part covering up the smoking gun! That the so-called “news” media refuse to report a smoking gun in one of the biggest scandals in modern history is a major scandal in its own right!

Please join us and stand up for the victims of Benghazi and their families. Sign our petition to DEMAND that the liberal media stop censoring the news and tell the truth about what happened in Benghazi.

The families deserve the truth, the American people deserve the truth . . . YOU deserve the truth.
- See more at:
We have a smoking gun in the Benghazi cover up scandal: emails tying the White House to Susan Rice's false talking points about the terrorist attack. Finally, there’s proof that this administration lied about the terrorist attack in order to protect the President during his reelection campaign.
This is earth-shattering news. But guess what? The media are for the most part covering up the smoking gun! That the so-called “news” media refuse to report a smoking gun in one of the biggest scandals in modern history is a major scandal in its own right!
Please join us and stand up for the victims of Benghazi and their families. Sign our petition to DEMAND that the liberal media stop censoring the news and tell the truth about what happened in Benghazi.
The families deserve the truth, the American people deserve the truth . . . YOU deserve the truth.
- See more at:
We have a smoking gun in the Benghazi cover up scandal: emails tying the White House to Susan Rice's false talking points about the terrorist attack. Finally, there’s proof that this administration lied about the terrorist attack in order to protect the President during his reelection campaign.
This is earth-shattering news. But guess what? The media are for the most part covering up the smoking gun! That the so-called “news” media refuse to report a smoking gun in one of the biggest scandals in modern history is a major scandal in its own right!
Please join us and stand up for the victims of Benghazi and their families. Sign our petition to DEMAND that the liberal media stop censoring the news and tell the truth about what happened in Benghazi.
The families deserve the truth, the American people deserve the truth . . . YOU deserve the truth.
- See more at:

One of the few, honest reports on Benghazi in the mainstream news

Latest News

Sharyl Attkisson On Benghazi 

Here is one of the few, honest reports on Benghazi in the mainstream news. It may only because CBS Philly's Dom Giordano is friendly with Sharyl Attkisson, who used to be with CBS , before she was pressured to leave

MAY, 2014  PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Dom Giordano talked with former CBS News Reporter Sharyl Attkisson on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT about new documents and emails regarding the terrorist attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012.
Attkisson noted the media is paying more attention to these documents than they have previously.
“I think what’s fairly meaningful is a lot of the media is starting to become a little more interested in the story, I think, than has happened in the past. I’m not sure that the revelations, which I think are significant, are more significant than many others that have come to light over the last year and a half, but for some reason, it seems like there is somewhat of an appetite for the information.”

Sharyl Attkisson

Talk Radio 1210 WPHT
She laid out the issues she thinks the public is beginning to pay attention to.

One of the few, honest reports on Benghazi in the mainstream news