JFK 464 License Style Bumper Sticker
When President Kennedy was assassinated Nov. 22, 1963, the Democratic Party was already making plans for his running for a second term the following year, thus, these bumper stickers started coming out perhaps late December. In fact, Kennedy's ill-fated trip to Dallas was partly political to try to shore up stronger support in Texas, where he had been seen as a little weak. Yes, it's a real bumper sticker you can put on your car 50 years later as a reminder of a great President and WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN. Get lots of looks and comments, too, while keeping this great President's memory strong- or simply keep as collectibles and give as Holiday gifts. Your friends will love them
KENNEDY 50th Year Tribute
Top rated Books and Films about President John F. Kennedy | ||
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Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot by Bill O'Reilly $18.01 | LIFE The Day Kennedy Died: Fifty Years Late... by The Editors of LIFE $32.65 | Who Really Killed Kennedy?: 50 Years Later:... by Jerome Corsi $14.92 |
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If Kennedy Lived: The First and Second Term... by Jeff Greenfield $16.17 | End of Days: The Assassination of John F. K... by James L. Swanson $21.74 | These Few Precious Days: The Final Year of ... by Christopher Andersen $16.20 |
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Thirteen Days [Blu-ray] $13.67 | The Kennedys $19.16 | JFK: Director's Cut (Two-Disc Special Editi... $7.69 |
O'Reilly Also Tied Annette's Passing to Kennedy's ' End of Innocense' Era of Higher Family Values, Respectfulness
LOOKING BACK to Annette Funicello's passing earlier in the year, Bill O'Reilly pointed out some
startling facts that may help explain why, despite an improved economy and racial situation today the society has taken a downward spiral in terms of interpersonal relations including values and family upbringing. O'Reilly reports that only 5% of children were born out of wedlock in 1959 as compared to 41% in 2010. Also in the 1950s drug use was rare, though alcoholism was about the same, O'Reilly continues. Lastly, regarding the 'loss of innocence' we have just looked back at with the 50th year of passage of President Kennedy, he points out that premarital sex and explicit behavior, to whatever point it existed, was kept under wraps as compared to today; O'Reilly was inferring that such behavior was much less in the 1950s in part because it wasn't fostered by the media. He would also add, later, that disability is much higher today, which led O'Reilly to question whether people are even working today. While O'Reilly wouldn't come right out and say the U.S,. was a better country in the 1950s you get the feeling he really does believe that as do many who well remember then and now. What do you think of now vs. then, assuming you lived then?
"JFK: 50 Years Later" Launches on SiriusXM to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of President John F. Kennedy Assassination see more
Limited-run pop-up channel offers listeners one-stop destination to hear SiriusXM's extensive JFK programming spanning multiple channels and perspectives from hosts and guests including Dan Rather...
'There will be great presidents again,' she said, 'but there will never be another Camelot...it will never be that way again.' - First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy
JFK - How His Assassination Changed America - John F Kennedy Pictures, Marilyn Monroe
Time magazine’s cover story is titled “The Moment That Changed America,” and it features some newly discovered color pictures of the Kennedys riding through Dallas before the fatal shots rang out. Reporter David Von Drehle writes the piece, calling the tragedy on Nov. 22, 1963 “shocking beyond almost anything else in American history.” I would say that the moment's resulting aftermath was even worse - how it dramatically changed, or contributed heavily, to the largely rudderless, schizophrenic society that followed in it's wake. KENNEDY 50th Year Anniversary
November 22 Marks the Fiftieth Year since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. We've already seen perhaps a half dozen new TV movies, videos / documentaries - and we've already seen a number of books come out such as Bill O'reilly's best selling 'Killing Kennedy' , made into a TV movie, currently being shown on Natonal Geographic channel. Considering the significance of the life-altering even, we might have even expected more media - and more reaction to it.
I remember as a 10-year-old kid in 1962 my mother taking me to see President Kennedy at University of California, Berkeley, for the charter day address. I didn't really appreciate at the time what the President was talking about or the magnitude of his presence there. All I knew is that there were a lot of people (88,000 presidential admirers to be exact) packing the UC Stadium , taking time off on a week day to be there for the President of United States. Can you imagine 88,000 people showing up today for our current president or any other modern president since Kennedy, for that matter?
It was rather eerie but interesting - thanks TO modern technology - to be able to listen to this Kennedy Charter Day Address 50 years later, from March 23, 1962 , and really understand it for the first time. Here's to you Mom, for bringing me to this historic date.
Pick One:

Like this if you think the Kennedy Assassination was the beginning of the downfall of the United States
I think having seen President Kennedy made it even worse and harder for this boy to fathom when we lost President Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Presidents weren't supposed to die. Yes, I remember not being able to finish my school lunch of macaroni and cheese when the news came down . It was a major blow that would have a significant impact on the rest of my life. Yes, my life -- perhaps all of our lives- changed on that day. I could literally feel and see things change around me after Kennedy. Some have called it the 'end of innocence.' I guess you could say that. The optimistic, happier times seemed to become darker as society took on an angry, contentious and sometimes violent tone, which has hardly let up ever since.
One cannot say for sure whether this angrier tone in society that followed would have existed had Kennedy lived. But, President Kennedy brought with him an optimism carried over from the postwar era that we haven't seen since. They say the music died in 1959 with the plane crash involving talented, young Buddy Holly, one of the first and one of the best who wrote and sang very melodic rock and roll music. One might say that everything else went down on November 22, 1963 when Kennedy died. Since then, despite major efforts, legislation and billions of dollars to try to correct social iniquities and other problems in society, things have only gotten worse. Time does not always heal and, sadly, we have not healed since the death of Kennedy.
There Would Have Been NO VIET NAM, or it would have been scaled down greatly. Kennedy was much less a militaristic man than President Johnson, who would increase Kennedy's 16,000 troups in Viet Nam to 516,000, which would result in nearly 50,000 U.S. deaths. Kennedy was an 'internationalist' and man of history, who had already noted historical precedents and only begrudgingly involved those 16,000 troops at the advice of his military men.
We wouldn't have seen the scale of anti-war protests and domestic strife of the mid-60s and beyond.. If there were race riots, at all, they wouldn't have been nearly as extreme. As Jeff Greenfield says in 'If Kennedy Lived', there probably would have been the more positive occasions like Woodstock but there wouldn't have been the violent ones like Altamont . The violent death of Kennedy fueled protestors and , combined with Johnson's Viet Nam and already simmering social feelings,, things got out of hand. Someone with the termperament of Kennedy would have done much better quelling problems or preventing them from happening.It would have been a much more civil society if Kennedy lived.
One can note the changes in society reflected in our media, music, movies , etc., which have taken on a significantly edgier tone since Kennedy. The crime rate has more than doubled. Today we are a less educated and more violent society then when Kennedy lived. One would think that 50 years time would be time enough to correct most of those underlying social problems in society that were simmering when Kennedy lived , yet things have only gotten worse rather than better with no foreseeable hope on the horizon. Throw all the taxpayer money you want at problems today - it's not going to bring us back to the hopeful and optimistic days they called 'Camelot' of the early 60s when people left their doors open for their neighbors, children played in the street and life was much simpler and happier.
Interestingly, outside of the South, even the races seemed to get along better in the early 60s than they do today, despite all the new found 'understanding' and social programs developed in the past 50 years. Bussing, welfare, food stamps… Nothing seems to have helped; if anything, they've made things worse. We've seen flashes of a return to the Kennedy style during the presidencies of Clinton and Reagan but those times were fleeting, without the same overall impact. All of our technological, medical and so-called educational advances have not helped to right the ship. No, Kennedy was not a perfect man or president, by any means, but he instilled those Christian values, if you will - basic, common sense, brotherly, core values that brought us together during the postwar era and have since seemed to have gone astray.
Despite what many considered a handicap in being Catholic, Kennedy was still able to unite religions and races, unlike any leader since his time. Can simply having the right president in office right all society's wrongs? Of course not, but it can go a long way. Without opening up Fort Knox, Kennedy remained a friend to all races, colors and creeds. Even without his major social legislation still in the works, Kennedy was able to instill in the masses a sense of hope and success. During his presidency unemployment was lower than it is today and without the 'benefit' of millions of dollars in aid. Outside of the South, ask minorities who lived during the Kennedy era how they felt race relations were then as compared to now and They'll tell you that things were better then.
One can note the changes in society reflected in our media, music, movies , etc., which have taken on a significantly edgier tone since Kennedy. The crime rate has more than doubled. Today we are a less educated and more violent society then when Kennedy lived. One would think that 50 years time would be time enough to correct most of those underlying social problems in society that were simmering when Kennedy lived , yet things have only gotten worse rather than better with no foreseeable hope on the horizon. Throw all the taxpayer money you want at problems today - it's not going to bring us back to the hopeful and optimistic days they called 'Camelot' of the early 60s when people left their doors open for their neighbors, children played in the street and life was much simpler and happier.
KENNEDY '50 YEARS' button and more Now Available - Give a memorable gift and keep this great President 's memory strong. Also, customise your own Posters, Mugs, other wearables and specialty media
Despite what many considered a handicap in being Catholic, Kennedy was still able to unite religions and races, unlike any leader since his time. Can simply having the right president in office right all society's wrongs? Of course not, but it can go a long way. Without opening up Fort Knox, Kennedy remained a friend to all races, colors and creeds. Even without his major social legislation still in the works, Kennedy was able to instill in the masses a sense of hope and success. During his presidency unemployment was lower than it is today and without the 'benefit' of millions of dollars in aid. Outside of the South, ask minorities who lived during the Kennedy era how they felt race relations were then as compared to now and They'll tell you that things were better then.
WILDWOOD DAYS, sung by Bobby Rydell , is said to have been 'the song' that ushered out the Kennedy Era. (Dr Demento and others ) Rydell's Cameo Parkway label spawned and capitalized on the dance craze of Kennedy era America It was a big hit at the time with upbeat lyrics and music reflecting the feel-good Kennedy Years. Celebrating the fabled amusement park in New Jersey, as WILDWOOD DAYS began fading from the music charts,so came the disintegration of Camelot - the JFK era of hope and optimism.
President Kennedy was a warm, highly intelligent man and of good humor. He was one who did make a real difference. Yes, one man can direct a nation and Kennedy did that better than anyone since. Politics didn't matter- what a change from today-when both democrats as well as republicans respected Kennedy. The likes of a man of the stature of Kennedy have been sorely missed ever since we lost him on that fateful day , November, 22, 1963. I remember it well. One man's memories and thoughts.
In conclusion, it seems that much or most of the media coverage of President Kennedy's 5oth anniversary has focused on the 'morbid curiosity' and controvery surrounding Kennedy's death rather than looking at the man and his contributions - or even his mistakes.
Kennedy only served three short years with no major legislation, yet he managed to keep us out of war, specifically the Cuban Missle Crisis -which may go down as his crowning single achievement , watched over a strong economy and was a popular president with ALL the races. He was a strong proponent of NASA and space exploration, which contributed to the optimism and hope he brought to the Presidency, and it's those latter 'intangibles' including his charisma that may be Kennedy's greatest calling . He oversaw an era of prosperity, quality cultural material and 'happy days,' which quickly vanished with Kennedy's passing. Had he lived we would have likely seen some REAL tangibles like the civil rights legislation that President Johnson passed iin his stead ; it would have been interesting to see Kennedy's perhaps modified approach to that . A lot of 'what if's and we could go on all day discussing them. (There are some good books and video out such as 'If Kennedy Lived' by Jeff Greenfield that go into this more. )
Most people today were not alive when Kennedy was assasinated and don't know that much about him.Hopefully, this anniversary will bring out the legacy of Kennedy a little more.
We've learned a lot , too, about our 35th and , perhaps, one of the truly great Presidents.
Kennedy Quotes
We all know his famous
'My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
In another TV documentary Kennedy spoke about the importance to take on challenges
'not because they are easy but because they are hard.' Some other quotes....
'Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.'
'Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.'
'Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.'
'As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.'
'A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.'
'Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.'
'Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.'
'The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.'
JFK, John F Kennedy, Kennedy Anniversary,Kennedy 50 Years, Kennedy Books, Kennedy Movies, Kennedy Store, President Kennedy, Top Kennedy
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